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Pilgrim S Rest Gold Mine

Pilgrim's Rest, if one regards the entire area from Sabie to Bourke's Luck as a gold field, produced payable gold from 1873 to 1971, ninety-eight years in all. Mining began again in 1998 and interestingly, and a little known fact, gold mining continues today. ... Pilgrim's Rest – village with a golden glow . Pilgrim's Rest, an old gold mining ...

Mpumalanga Museums

SABIE NEWS MUSEUM. The first locally printed newspaper circulated on the Pilgrim's Rest gold fields was the Gold News of January 1874. Shortly afterwards the name was changed to the Gold Fields Mercury, with W J Phelan as editor. Unfortunately it is unknown in which building (or on which stand) this newspaper was printed. ...

Alazar Yosef Billay's Lab

The Sabie–Pilgrim's Rest goldfield, where the current study is located, has produced over 185 metric tonnes (t) of gold, with grades ranging from 6 to 40 g/t and perhaps a comparable amount of ...

The relationship between mineralisation and structure in the Pilgrim's …

The area that was investigated, covers the metallogenetic province of the Sabie-Pilgrim's Rest Gold-field in the Eastern Transvaal. The geological formations include the Basement Granite, Godwan Formation, Wolkberg Formation, and the Transvaal System. Diabasic and pyroxenitic sills, pre-mineralisation in age, and probably genetically related to the …

pilgrim s rest gold mines to be revived

T06:10:31+00:00 Pilgrim's Rest gold mines to be revived News. Jan 23, 2013 Pilgrim's Rest gold mines to be revived Date: January 23, 2013 Posted in Business News News STONEWALL Resources is restarting mining at some of the 40 closed gold mines around Pilgrim's Rest and Sabie in Mpumalanga, bringing a cautious but active …

Gold mining: Knysna's Millwood gold fields

SABIE & PILGRIM'S REST: ... Pilgrim's Rest was proclaimed a gold field on 22 September 1873, and by January 1874, when the gold commissioner, Major J.W. Angus MacDonald, moved his office from MacMac to Pilgrim's Rest, the diggings had attracted around 1,500 diggers, who were working about 4,000 claims in and around Pilgrim's …

Mesothermal-type mineralization in the Sabie-Pilgrim's Rest …

Characteristic features of the Sabie-Pilgrim's Rest gold field that correspond to those within the above spectrum of mesothermal gold deposits include: (1) comparable light …


Theta Gold Mines is an advanced gold developer with over 6Moz of very shallow gold mineral deposits under control, targeting high margin open-cut mining from 2020. Our Story. ... The TGME Projects are situated within …

Pilgrims rest

The history of the Pilgrim's Rest gold fields dates back to ancient times when unknown miners worked the quartz reefs for gold. Evidence of their diggins can still be found throughout northern and eastern South Africa and Zimbabwe. ... SABIE NEWS MUSEUM. The first locally printed newspaper circulated on the Pilgrim's Rest gold ...

The Robber's Grave in Pilgrim's Rest

One is inclined to lift one's eyes at the statusquo prevailing in the mining camps of Pilgrim's Rest and Barberton as regards extra favours to the miners besides serving drinks as barmaids. The barmaids in the mining camps were there to virtually cater for all the miners' needs from drinks, to nursing during bouts of fever, hangovers ...

The role of fluid pressure in the formation of bedding …

Relations between fluid inclusion trails and regional stress field: a tool for fluid chronology—an example of an intragranitic uranium ore deposit (northwest Massif Central, France) ... The mineralisation and structure of the Elandshoogte gold mine, Sabie-Pilgrim's Rest Goldfield, eastern Transvaal, South Africa; M. Harley et al. Compressive ...


Theta Gold Mines is an advanced gold developer with over 6Moz of very shallow gold mineral deposits under control, targeting high margin open-cut mining from 2020. Our Story. ... The TGME Projects are situated within the Sabie-Pilgrims Rest Goldfield, approximately 300 km northeast of the Witwatersrand Basin, as shown in Figure 1. ...

Pilgrim's Rest is on the Panorama Route in …

P P ilgrim's Rest is situated on the magnificent Panorama Route of the Mpumalanga province. The entire village is a tourist attraction and was declared a National Monument in 1986. Today, Pilgrim's Rest is a …

Gold from Frankfort Mine, Pilgrim's Rest, Thaba Chweu …

Metz, A. R. (2015). A geochemical study of the Theta Reef of the Frankfort Mining Complex in the Sabie-Pilgrim's Rest Goldfield South Africa. Master of Science thesis University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa: Data: Mineral Data: ... ⓘ Lydenberg gold field, Lydenburg, Thaba Chweu Local Municipality, ...

Pilgrim's and Sabie News details

The first newspaper published on the Pilgrim's Rest goldfields was the Gold News (1874-75). The Gold News was replaced by the Gold fields Mercury, which was published from 1875 to 1879. For a number of years no newspaper was printed, but in 1910 John McNally started the Pilgrim's & Sabie News newspaper at Pilgrim's Rest. The works of ...

Pilgrim's Rest: History Pilgrims Pilgrims-Rest pilgrimsrest …

The history of the Pilgrim's Rest gold fields dates back to ancient times when unknown miners worked the quartz reefs for gold. Alec "Wheelbarrow" Patterson struck it rich in a …

Mesothermal-Type Mineralization in the Sabie-Pilgrim's …

The Sabie-Pilgrim's Rest gold field is found near the east- ern margin of the Bushyeld Complex (Fig. 1). It is thought that the complex covered the gold field during the time of

Transvaal Gold Mining Estates Limited

Profile. A number of insignificant gold deposits were discovered in the northern parts of South Africa between 1840 and 1870. The first gold rush in South Africa took place in 1873 when payable gold was discovered …

Our Story

The gold that the early diggers targeted was alluvial gold – mainly gold dust recovered by washing the gravel from the beds and banks of streams but nuggets were also found. …

The role of fluid pressure in the formation of bedding …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "The role of fluid pressure in the formation of bedding-parallel, thrust-hosted gold deposits, Sabie-Pilgrim's Rest goldfield, eastern Transvaal" by M. Harley et al. ... Search 221,389,543 papers from all fields of science. Search. Sign In Create Free Account. DOI: 10.1016/0301-9268(95)00091-7;

Pilgrim's Rest Home Page Pilgrims Pilgrims-Rest …

A comprehensive site for tourist that describe all the things to see and do in Pilgrim's Rest. Pilgrim's Rest is a village situated on the magnificent Panorama Route on the eastern Escarpment region of the Mpumalanga province of South Africa. The entire village was declared a National Monument as a living memory of the early gold rush days in South …

Mesothermal-type mineralization in the Sabie …

Characteristic featuresof the Sabie-Pilgrim's Rest gold bergerandBarnes, 1989;Hayashi andOhmoto,1991)forthe 'I I •'0 0 0 SABIE-PILGRIM'S REST GOLD FIELD MINERALIZATION 873 fieldthatcorrespond to …

CSA Global Case Study: Theta Gold Mines

structural model for the Sabie-Pilgrim' s Rest ar ea was created, incorporating data fr om various sources and scales, for e xample, from outcr op-scale jointing (Metz, 2015), through

Thrust-controlled gold mineralisation at the Elandshoogte Mine, Sabie

Stratiform quartz-sulphide-gold veins, locally termed "reefs" are hosted within the Proterozoic Transvaal Sequence sedimentary succession, in the Sabie-Pilgrim's Rest goldfield, eastern Transvaal. These deposits have produced about 180 tonnes of gold and share many characteristics with those of Telfer, Western Australia. Detailed examination …

South Africa

Pilgrim's Rest, if one regards the entire area from Sabie to Bourke's Luck as a gold field, produced payable gold from 1873 to 1971, ninety-eight years in all. Mining began again in 1998 and interestingly, and a little known fact, gold mining continues today.

Sabie, Mpumalanga, South Africa | Blog for the town of Sabie

The origin of SA Forest Investments is intimately linked to the fortunes of the gold mining industry in the Sabie and Pilgrims Rest areas. In the late 1800's the Transvaal Gold Mining Estates operated mines under the control of The Corner House. ... President Burgers when on a visit to the Gold field broadly known as New Caledonia Gold Field ...

Pilgrims Rest

Across the street from the Central Garage Museum is the Museum which displays the history of the of the Pilgrim & Sabie News and the press of Pilgrim's Rest gold fields from the late 1800s to the early 1900s.

Mesothermal-type mineralization in the Sabie-Pilgrim's Rest …

Describes a different class of mesothermal gold deposit at Sabie-Pilgrim's Rest which is probably associated with the Bushveld igneous event in South Africa. Mineralization …

General Geology

The TGME Projects are situated within the Eastern Transvaal (Sabie-Pilgrims Rest) Gold Fields, approximately 300 km northeast of the Witwatersrand Basin (Figure 1). Regionally this section (north east …

PorterGeo Database

The Sabie - Pilgrims Rest gold field is located 300 km ENE of Johannesburg in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. A series of hard rock mines were distributed over a NNE elongated area of ~140 x 30 km along the Great Escarpment of Southern Africa (#Location: Beta - 24° 55' 4"S, 30° 44' 22"E).

Pilgrim's Rest

The moniker stuck, and the Pilgrims Rest Gold Field was established. Within a few short months, diggers were arriving from all over the world. Soon 1500 people were working 4000 claims. The Pilgrims Rest Gold Rush was in full swing. ... Pilgrims & Sabie News is dedicated to the early newspapers printed in the village. And Dredzen is a depiction ...

(PDF) Mineral prospectivity mapping of gold-base …

The Sabie–Pilgrim's Rest goldfield, where the current study is located, has produced over 185 metric tonnes (t) of gold, with grades ranging from 6 to 40 g/t and perhaps a comparable amount of ...

Other Key Projects

Epigenetic gold mineralisation in the Sabie-Pilgrims Rest Goldfield occurs as concordant and discordant (subvertical or cross) veins (or reefs) in a variety of host rocks within the Transvaal Basin. The Glynn's …

The Jock of the Bushveld Macmac Memorial | Sabie, …

The Macmac Memorial was constructed to remind future generations of the inhabitants of the Panorama Region as well as discerning tourists exploring the beautiful Panorama Route from Sabie through Pilgrims Rest and Graskop, that they would likely be making acquaintance with a fascinating location where a few important historical …

Sabie to Pilgrims Rest

Pilgrim's Rest (Opens in a new window) Pilgrim's Rest (Afrikaans: Pelgrimsrus) is a small town in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa which is protected as a provincial heritage site. It was the second of the Transvaal gold fields, attracting a rush of prospectors in 1873, soon after the MacMac diggings started some 5 km away.

The role of fluid pressure in the formation of bedding …

Application to the Sabie-Pilgrim's Rest gold- field Assuming that the vein mineralisation in the Sa- bie-Pilgrim's Rest goldfield is syn-Bushveld in age (e.g. Boer et al., 1993), the depth to the auriferous reefs at the time of mineralisation is the cumulative height of the overlying Transvaal Sequence stratigra- phy up to the base of the ...